On this page you can find the Facebook Statistics for Philippines, these numbers are updated on a daily basis that the Facebook Statistics (Advertising) platform gives us for Philippines on the given day.

Number of users on Facebook in Philippines: 16 675 160

Number of male users on Facebook in Philippines: 7 867 560

Number of female users on Facebook in Philippines: 8 711 780

Penetration of Facebook in Philippines to population: 16.69 %

Penetration of Facebook in Philippines to online population: 56.15 %

Avarage CPC in Philippines: $ 0.1

Avarage CPM in Philippines: $ 0.04

Facebook Statistics Philippines
User Age Distribution - Facebook Philippines
Male/Female User Ratio - Facebook Philippines
Male/Female User Growth - Facebook Philippines
Age Growth - Facebook Philippines
Numbers are estimates based on estimations that the Facebook platform returns us on the certain days.

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